HomeNewsCircular Economy LED drive

Circular Economy LED drive

116 2024-01-15

Even at high power, the larger operating window and slim shell are the prominent features of the Rui high -tech Gen4 LED drive platform.The first two versions are now launch.These drivers are also the first LED drive with an EMC (external management component) sustainable statement.

The EXC4 FlexC LP LED drive has a dimming and non -light version, which is especially suitable for LED area lamps.Due to the large operation window, a single driver can cover a large number of possible applications.Therefore, lamp manufacturers can reduce the number of inventory products without affecting the output range of their lamps, even high -power types.

The narrow and low -key shell provides the designer with huge degree of freedom, which can design thin lamps.All the types of Gen4 platform have a height of 16 mm to support the continuous trend of miniaturized lamps.

On the custody version, the ONE4ALL interface provides many different lighting options.The software can read energy, lighting and diagnostic data, which is due to the Ru Gao LumData function.

All GEN4 drivers have NFC interfaces, so they can be quickly programmed in production. Even if they have been installed, they can easily make wireless adjustments.If you need to change, you can re -program the device at any time through this wireless interface.If the device is replaced, the data can be transmitted quickly and easily to the new device.Or you can re -program the lamp attributes at the scene without changing the lamp.Through NFC programming multiple times, you can do more in one step<>个设备进行编程。

Realize sustainable circular economy

The new driver support is based on the transition to the circular economy based on the principle of "cradle to cradle".The EXC4 FlexC LP driver has an EMC (external management component) statement, so the lamp manufacturer can use this component in its products without having to take any further action on its "cradle to the cradle" certification items.EMC means that the component will not have any harmful effects on humans or naturally during the normal use process.Given the materials for these drivers, Rui Gao, as the first supplier, is responsible for "cradle to cradle" of the driver.

EMC is a key step towards "from cradle to cradle", and it is also part of the "Sustainable" plan.Through this move, the company is developing products and solutions that conform to the concept of circular economy.Another factor is that the new generation of LED drives provides more possible applications and reduces resources at the same time, thanks to a larger operating window.Rui Gao hopes to support customers to develop sustainable products.

The "cradle to the cradle" certification is a global standard for recyclable products, including the requirements of the life cycle standard based on sustainable product life, that is, to prevent waste, save materials, use resources responsibly, and reduce the consumption of rare materials.

About Ruigao

Rui Gao is the world's leading lighting technology supplier, providing customers with intelligent hardware and software, and providing the highest level of quality, reliability and energy saving.As a global innovation promoter in the field of lighting network technology, Ruigao has developed scalable, future -oriented solutions, and provides new businessmodel.

In order to promote the vision of "the Internet of Light", Rui Gao relied on the partnership with other experts.The goal is to jointly develop and innovate technical solutions to convert the lighting system into a smart network to achieve related services.Rui Gao's profound industry professional knowledge has made it an ideal driving force for cooperation with other people.

Rui Gao is the technology company of Odburg Group, headquartered in Austria Donbien.In fiscal 2020/21, Ruigao achieved sales of 30.28 billion euros.1,808 high -skilled employees and sales networks in more than 70 countries/regions around the world laid the foundation for development and launching a new smart interconnection lighting system.